
This site is a celebration of faith that is accepting and welcoming. It profiles leaders of religious and spiritual communities in Aotearoa who are saying “yes” to love and marriage equality. These are people of faith who are willing to conduct weddings for same-sex couples.

During the debate about marriage equality some of the loudest voices in opposition used religious arguments and these were often picked up by the media. After reading a news article with the headline “Gay Weddings Ban: Churches Say No” I was inspired to create this site to let people know that some churches and some faith leaders are proudly sharing a different message:

“Yes! We will celebrate with you as you declare your love.”

“Yes! There is a place for you at God’s table.”

“Yes to love.”

If you are looking for a celebrant you can use the search or theĀ tags on the right to find people from a particular geographical location, faith or denomination.

If you are a religious leader who is willing to conduct weddings for same-sex couples in Aotearoa, please leave a comment or email me using the contact form below.

Nga mihi aroha ki a koutou katoa.

Contact me:

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